Julia Brook May 11, 2021 MyCredit empowers credit union members to take control of their credit score Julia Brook May 11, 2021 Powered by TransUnion, MyCredit offers new financial education tool
Julia Brook April 30, 2021 ABCUL and incuto take over HM Treasury’s PrizeSaver scheme for credit unions Julia Brook April 30, 2021 Up to £5,000 can be Won Each Month with Credit Union PrizeSaver Scheme
Julia Brook April 8, 2021 incuto and Experian launch loans from non-profit community lenders Julia Brook April 8, 2021 Collaboration aims to help those who have limited eligibility for mainstream loans to avoid high-interest-rate payday loans and illegal loan sharks.
Julia Brook April 1, 2021 incuto blog: April 2021 Julia Brook April 1, 2021 Credit unions and CDFIs are anchor institutions for communities across the country, and will continue to be for many years to come.
Julia Brook February 16, 2021 Manchester Credit Union offers real-time payments via incuto and ClearBank Julia Brook February 16, 2021 Through incuto’s banking platform, ClearBank is providing direct access to Faster Payments for Manchester Credit Union.
Julia Brook February 9, 2021 User Group for credit union sector provides new forum for shared ideas and innovation Julia Brook February 9, 2021 New industry-wide forum will be chaired by Lauren Langton, CEO, Northumberland Community Bank.
Julia Brook January 11, 2021 Another year, another lockdown - but it’s business as usual at incuto Julia Brook January 11, 2021 These are extremely challenging times incuto will continue to support you, our Credit Union partners, in every way that we can.
Julia Brook January 1, 2021 incuto blog: January 2021 Julia Brook January 1, 2021 Over the last 12 months, we’ve seen credit unions and community banks go above and beyond for their Members.
Julia Brook December 1, 2020 incuto blog: December 2020 Julia Brook December 1, 2020 How do you try to summarise a year like 2020? It’s been one to forget in many ways, and an unforgettable one in lots of others.
Julia Brook November 19, 2020 Dominy Hope takes on CFO role at incuto Julia Brook November 19, 2020 Former investment bank director appointed as Chief Financial Officer.
Julia Brook November 16, 2020 incuto raises £1.75m Julia Brook November 16, 2020 The funding will allow company to roll out its platform to more UK credit unions and prepare for overseas expansion.
Julia Brook November 1, 2020 incuto blog: November 2020 Julia Brook November 1, 2020 A year ago, nobody would have imagined the changes to the work environment that everyone has had to embrace.
Julia Brook October 15, 2020 incuto announces new Chief Commercial Officer worth broadcasting about Julia Brook October 15, 2020 Dougal Scott takes on senior role at incuto.
Julia Brook October 1, 2020 incuto blog: October 2020 Julia Brook October 1, 2020 If this year so far has taught us anything, it’s that things can change quickly, and with very little warning.
Julia Brook September 14, 2020 New faces at incuto Julia Brook September 14, 2020 We’re pleased to announce four new appointments to the team.
Julia Brook September 8, 2020 Cameron Douglas takes on role of Customer Success Associate Julia Brook September 8, 2020 We’re pleased to announce a new addition to the team.
Julia Brook June 25, 2020 First faster payments made using incuto platform Julia Brook June 25, 2020 Hoot Credit Union and Lanarkshire Credit Union can now offer access to payments in real time
Julia Brook June 24, 2020 incuto joins Post Office banking framework for better access to cash Julia Brook June 24, 2020 incuto enables Credit Union Members to utilise any of Post Office’s 11,500 branches across the UK.
Julia Brook May 5, 2020 incuto selected for Inclusive Economy Partnership BOOST programme Julia Brook May 5, 2020 incuto has been selected for Inclusive Economy Partnership’s scale-up programme BOOST.
Julia Brook April 15, 2020 incuto pledges to get remote workers connected with no tie-ins Julia Brook April 15, 2020 Software-as-a-Service offers a lifeline to credit unions during COVID-19