Looking forward to 2023 and beyond

As we at incuto head into our 7th year, we’re more energised and focused than ever on making a positive impact with our customers and partners. Forget “funky fintechs” - as a team, we can’t think of a more fulfilling way to spend our time.

To give some sense of the collective impact we’re having on the world, we wanted to share some numbers which really matter to the incuto team.

Up to the end of December 2022, through the incuto platform there have been:

  • 25.1m unique logins to use online members area / online banking services

  • 469k loan applications processed totalling over £900m

  • 600k Credit Bureau and Open Banking checks run to support faster loan decisioning

  • 2.2m faster payments totalling £366m (with 54% of them out of office hours)


2023 will obviously bring some challenges, but let’s face it, you’ve been dealing with this “crisis” for decades – the idea of people choosing between heating and eating isn’t new to our sector, so now, more than ever, the focus must turn to how sustainable and resilient this sector is and how quickly you can scale to help even more people.

During 2023, we’ll be working hard to ensure that the platform can sustain the next 7 years of growth, looking at how we stabilise our infrastructure and enable more lenders to use our core products (online services, loan origination & decisioning, faster payments and direct debits).

We recognise that over the past 6 years, we’ve become a critical part of the infrastructure for many of our customers and we want you to know that we take that very seriously.  The positive changes we’ve made to our business during 2022 have created an opportunity to build long-term success – something which we know is so important to you when you’re managing your operational risk.

We came to this sector on purpose, with a purpose.  We believe that everyone should have access to fair, affordable financial services, and like you, we’re in it for as long as it takes.

Andrew & John (co-founders)

Our efforts aren’t possible without you, so we’re immensely grateful to all our customers and partners for your support up to this point, and we look forward to continuing to build on those exciting numbers and helping you to help more people in your communities in 2023 and beyond!