A reflection on 2023, and insights into what 2024 has in store for incuto…

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, it's the perfect time to pause, reflect, and share our vision for the rest of the year. 2023 has been a remarkable chapter in our collective story, filled with challenges, growth, and moments that have shaped and propelled us. Now, as we step into the rest of 2024, we can't help but feel a surge of excitement for what's to come!

Reflecting on 2023: A Year of Resilience and Growth

As we look back on 2023, we celebrate a year of significant achievements and growth together:

Quarterly CEO Updates: Our commitment to transparency and engagement was evident in our informative quarterly CEO updates, fostering a stronger connection with our credit union community.

InBest Integration: The integration of InBest elevated our offering to credit unions, providing members with a seamless and enhanced experience in managing their finances.

Continuous Growth:  More people than ever are using our platforms, exceeding expectations reflecting the trust and confidence our community has placed in us. Our pipeline of new customers indicates this will continue.

November Conference: The conference brought together industry experts, thought leaders and our community to foster insightful discussions and shape the future of community finance.  As a result of the conference we will be publishing our Vision 2030 report in Q2 of 2024 which will include a strategic roadmap for the sector, combining views from Credit Unions, key suppliers and stakeholders, as well as technology partners who all share a common ambition to see the sector grow and thrive.

Improved ESG Score: Our dedication to ESG principles was underscored by a significantly improved ESG score, emphasising our commitment to sustainability.

ClearBank Partnership: Our unique partnership with ClearBank marked a milestone, breaking new ground in redefining the financial landscape through collaborative innovation.

TransUnion Partnership: Our relationship has continued to expand, including two exciting new 3-way partnerships between incuto, TransUnion, alongside both Bud and Monevo.  Our collaboration with these three major providers, gives Credit Unions a competitive advantage by being the first of their kind working collaboratively for the sector.

Navigating the Future Through Strategic Partnerships

We’re excited to announce that incuto is not only open for business but is also more committed than ever to empowering organisations with progressive financial solutions here in the UK. In a world that is rapidly evolving, our dedication to providing seamless, secure, and innovative financial services remains unwavering.

This year, we’re striving to provide more opportunities to connect to additional complementary partners, to provide even more goodness to our customers in the mutual sector. Despite a rocky landscape with difficult obstacles to overcome, we’re tackling the challenge head-on, and building a platform with and for the sector. As technology continues to reshape the financial industry, we recognise the importance of joining forces with like-minded organisations to create an ecosystem that benefits our credit union and community, not for profit lenders.

Join Us on this Exciting Journey

Over the course of the next 12 months we’ll be producing and sharing a series of thought leadership sessions. These sessions will be run by our CEO, Andrew Rabbitt, and will feature a range of professionals from the fintech and mutual sectors. 

We’ll be exploring a selection of topics, including onboarding clients to the incuto platform and marketplace, connecting to new partners and bringing new products to market.

Whether you're an existing partner, or considering incuto for the first time, rest assured that our dedication to delivering top-notch financial services remains steadfast.  We are more than a “tech” company, and as a trusted partner, we aim to guide our customers to help them make the right business decisions. Together, let's embrace the future of finance and unlock new possibilities!