Your loans could now be found via major loan comparison websites

Did you know that up to 40% of people searching for loans on comparison websites are not eligible to borrow with a mainstream bank or lender. For the first time, affordable finance providers will appear to potential borrowers.

incuto has partnered with Experian to offer customers access to not-for-profit community lenders, such as credit unions and community development finance institutions (CDFIs), directly through Experian’s comparison services.

Want access to a wider pool of customers? Get in touch with us.

We’ve seen a big increase in applications as a result of using incuto’s loan comparison product. For the first time, we have direct access to eligible borrowers who search for affordable loans online. It’s delivering high-quality candidates and loans without the need for a lot of input from our team.
— Amanda Wilcock, COO, Manchester Credit Union

Join us on 9 February at 2pm

At this incuto webinar, we'll look at the opportunity loan comparison sites offer credit unions, community banks and CDFIs. Tap into new markets through loan aggregators.

Click here to register and attend.